VISANOW uses NPS to measure customer satisfaction.
Because we are a company that provides online immigration services, people probably assume that we are a really impersonal company.
I assure you that is not the case with VISANOW.
We love our customers and we try very hard to make sure that they love us, too. We systematically survey all customers and calculate results monthly in order to measure customer satisfaction.
What is Net Promoter Score?
We use Net Promoter Score (NPS) as an indicator of customer happiness. Basically, NPS is a metric based off of the question “How likely are you to recommend VISANOW to a friend or colleague?” Many companies use this method, since it has been shown to be more indicative of customer loyalty than averages or other satisfaction ratings.
The scale can go from -100 to 100. Top companies, such as Apple, Trader Joe’s, and Costco, typically score in the low- to mid-70s.
As NPS explains, customers of every company can be divided into three categories: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.
- Promoters will rate your company in the 9 to 10 range, and are enthusiastic about you. They will keep using your service and encourage their friends and colleagues to do the same.
- Passives will rate your company from 7 to 8 and are satisfied, but not really excited. They might listen to offers from competitors.
- Detractors will rate your company anywhere between 0 and 6, and are not very happy with your brand. They are more likely to discourage somebody they know from using your service.
How Does VISANOW’s Customer Satisfaction Compare?
Since there are no other web-based immigration service providers, we can compare VISANOW to other online services.
In 2013, Amazon led the online services sector with an NPS of 69. Netflix had an NPS of 50 and Google Shopping scored 21. Poor Blockbuster on Demand scraped by with a score of 2.
For December 2013, the NPS calculated from all customer surveys for VISANOW was 93 – yes, 93! For you math lovers out there, this translates to an average score of 9.7 on a scale of 0 through 10.
Over the past couple of years, we have consistently scored above 70, and recent scores of over 90 are extremely exciting for us!
For any of our customers who are reading this, I want to say thank you for your time spent providing feedback. We are so grateful for all of the encouragement and suggestions you have given us. They are incredibly motivating and helpful! In fact, suggestions from clients have been the inspiration for many new features of our brand new web application.
Whether you are an HR manger looking to get visas or green cards for your employees, or an individual needing a visa for travel or your fiancé(e), we hope that you will get in touch with VISANOW to find out how we can help.
As you can see, we take the art of making our customers happy very personally at VISANOW.