Our Q1 Net Promoter Score (NPS) results are now in and spoiler alert: we are very happy with the results.
Calculating the Net Promoter Score
To calculate our company-wide NPS, I combine all surveys we receive from all of our customers: HR managers, employees of corporate clients, and individual clients. I take the answer to the question “Would you recommend Envoy to a friend or colleague?” and divide respondents into 3 categories based on the number (0-10, with 0 being “no way!” and 10 being “would definitely recommend!”).
In case you’re curious, here’s how the Net Promoter Score calculation is made:
Promoters are individuals who give a score of 9-10.
Passives give 7-8.
Detractors give 0-6.
NPS = % Promoters – % Detractors.
Yes, that means it’s possible to get a negative score! Top companies typically score around 70.
In Q1 2014, 232 out of 254 VISANOW customers who completed surveys identified as Promoters.
We ended Q1 with an NPS of 89 and are absolutely thrilled about it!
In the Company of Others
To compare Envoy with other companies, we use the Satmetrix 2014 Net Promoter Score Benchmarks Report, which was released in March of this year. The report calculates Net Promoter Scores of over 200 major brands from more than 24,000 customer surveys.
The result?
Our score of 89 means that Envoy outperformed all of the top companies surveyed by Satmetrix. With an NPS above that of Amazon.com (64), Zappos (60), Pandora (56), Netflix (54), TurboTax (58), and Apple (66), we have proven that we’re real contenders in the field of customer happiness. Not many law firms can tell you that!
Don’t think we’ll stop here, though. At Envoy we are fiercely committed to revolutionizing the immigration process. This means we will continue to pursue the ultimate client experience and make immigration as easy as possible for our customers.