Happy Citizenship Day. Today marks the 228th anniversary of our Founding Fathers signing the U.S. Constitution. As we look back to that historic day, people across the country are preparing to take the naturalization test and become new U.S. citizens.
To celebrate this holiday, we’ve gathered three helpful study resources for citizenship applicants.
100 Civics Questions and Answers with Audio
Applicants are required to answer six civics test questions correctly. Study this list of 100 civics questions and answers, and you’ll be ready for the exam.
Sample Question: What does the Constitution do?
Naturalization Self Exams
Test your knowledge of U.S. history and government with four interactive practice tests.
Sample Question: What is the capital of the United States?
Mock Interview Video
Learn about the interview process firsthand by watching a 16-minute video of an applicant being questioned by a citizenship immigration officer.